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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Nolte: Jussie Smollett Media Hoax Is a Hate Crime Against Trump Supporters

There is simply no question the media hoax perpetrated by Jussie Smollett is a hate crime committed against supporters of President Donald Trump.

A “hate crime” is defined as a bias crime, a crime committed against others based on who they are, or what they look like, or what group they hail from.

Filing a false police report is a crime, one that Smollett is almost certainly guilty of and might be charged with. The hate-bias part is even easier to prove. And Smollett is not the only one guilty of this. So too are his co-conspirators in the establishment media.

According to various reports, this was a meticulously planned hoax. Smollett, who is black and gay, hired to two men (who are also black) to disguise themselves as Trump supporters and beat him up on the street.

The detailed planning involved the apparent purchase of bleach, rope, red baseball caps, face masks, rehearsals, and the staging of the fake crime near a surveillance camera (that was thankfully pointing the wrong way).

The police were lied to, told about the red hats (that look like the president’s iconic MAGA hats), told the perpetrators targeted Smollett personally, told they hurled racial and homophobic slurs, poured bleach on Smollett’s black skin, wrapped a noose around his neck, and warned that “This is MAGA country!”

Obviously, the whole idea was to use this hoax as a means to single out Trump supporters, to frame, defame, smear, and denigrate a group of people — to commit a crime against them, if not a crime-crime, then a public relations crime that we would all be forced to answer for.

More here


  1. What's telling is that jermichal mitchell, james yamakama and the rest of the local race baiters FB's are silent on this. They lie and claim race relations need improving and all kinds of other nonsense but haven't the morals to address this hoax meant to only cause racial problems. Proves what horrid dishonest pieces of garbage they all are and proves just what garbage disgusting families they come from to have raised such worthless garbage.

  2. The democrats were all having orgasms over this when they thought they could blame racism and President Trump. Now they are silent because it is being proved once again that they are liars and lie about racism being a problem. This proves racism is not a problem but being putrid primal people they will never admit this. If racism is such a problem it wouldn't have to be made up.

    1. 8:09 AM I’ve bern saying this all along. Racism...invent it when it doesn’t exist. The real racist always show their true colors. This was nothing more than an attack on Trump supporters. Mr Yamakama do you have anything to say cause we all know you are reading this😂

  3. And schools and universities have the balls to teach "White Privilege" classes and how to combat it.

  4. Most of us sit silent as we hear that news because commenting would only anger the far left even more. They will dismiss this quickly and pay no mind to it. The reality is -- he promoted more race division and Trump haters. He needs to be punished - period!


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