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Monday, February 25, 2019

Newt Gingrich Rips FBI for an Attempted Coup of Trump

Lost in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into 2016 election meddling is "one of the great scandals in American history," as FBI officials sought to undo the authority of President Donald Trump, according to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

"If you look at things like [Andrew] McCabe and this whole FBI thing, which I think is one of the great scandals in American history – the whole idea that your most important law enforcement institution had people who were actively plotting in effect to overturn the elected president of the United States," Gingrich told "The Cats Roundtable" on 970 AM-N.Y.

"The more we hear from McCabe and [James] Comey on this, the clearer it is that this was an agency that was so corrupt and so out of control that I think if Hillary Clinton had won, there is no telling what would have happened to our freedom."

Gingrich pointed to the alleged talk to use the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump as a way to undo the 2016 election, which is a "total violation of our Constitution," he told host John Catsimatidis.

"I'm hoping that the new attorney general [William Barr] is going to look very carefully at everything going back to 2015 and the whole treatment of the Clintons and the treatment of the Clinton's staff," Gingrich added. "All these different pieces out there, the more we learn about them the sicker they are.



  1. Please keep pressure on this corruption Newt

  2. Northwest Woodsman: I’m retired, however, I still work for this agency under contract investigating on a case by case basis. I’m embarrassed to introduce myself and display my credentials to Subjects that I have to interview. I hope that over time, the damage caused by the appointed political hacks will gradually fade from memory. Please let it be known that there are agents like myself who are patriots and are dedicated to doing our jobs and protecting the real citizens of this country.


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