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Friday, February 22, 2019

Michigan men accused of wiring $88M overseas claim it was for their families

Three Michigan men accused of wiring $88 million to multiple overseas accounts claim they did nothing wrong, arguing they were just sending the money to relatives.

Federal prosecutors, however, claim the trio created phony businesses with the express purpose of moving large amounts of cash out of the country.

Omar Alhalmi, 38, was charged last month with funneling $22.3 million to Yemen and other countries, while Fahd Samaha, 45, and Maged Alsabahi, 29, are accused of running an illegal cash delivery operation from 2013 through 2015, the Detroit Free Press.

According to indictments filed Jan. 22, the three men engaged in secret banking practices by creating multiple fake businesses by using the addresses of vacant buildings, storefronts of residences and used “straw business owners” or “fronts” to help send millions to various countries, including Yemen and China.




  1. Northwest Woodsman: Don’t you love it when the media identifies as Michigan men, people with names like Alhalmi, Samaha, and Alsabahi? At an earlier time I would have expected to find the names as Williams, Jones, and even maybe an O’Hara. Now I have come to expect names from the Middle East or Hispanic names when they report a “Maryland man” or an “Arizona man” in any article involving criminal behavior. Folks, diversity means lack of cohesion and this invasion of foreign nationals is destroying our culture and ultimately our country. Something dangerous is in the wind and just like Germany in the 20s and 30s, and it isn’t going to be pretty.

  2. Can't view rest of story...


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