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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore declared U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the new leader of the Democratic Party, while urging political moderates to take a position because there “is no middle ground anymore.”

“She is the leader. Everybody knows it. Everybody feels it,” Moore said of the freshman congresswoman from New York during a Friday interview on MSNBC.

Moore said the age requirement to run for president - 35 - should be constitutionally amended so that Ocasio-Cortez could make a play for the White House. He said Ocasio-Cortez is the leader of a movement, citing a Fox News poll that showed voters favored her proposal to increase the tax rate to 70 percent for the richest Americans.




  1. And this thinking is exactly why Michael Moore is a complete idiot.

  2. Moore knows his stuff she's the one to be president.

  3. Type 2 diabetes in morbidly obese documentary film makers has been shown to be connected to dementia.


  4. Michael Moore: Need anything more be said regarding this fetid fountain of foolish fantasies?

    Occasional-Cortex is 29; minimum age for a president is 35. Let's get right on the project of amending the Constitution so the bartender turned Deathocrat philosophical leader can ascend to power. Or she could move to Cuba, China, Vietnam or Venezuela where her mindset holds sway.

  5. That fat piece of crap should keep his stupid mouth shut. Another far leftie loonie hypocrite.

  6. Please do! The average American will run away from this socialist.

  7. Pretty scary when a 29 year old with out a shred of experience doing anything who does not know the three branches of government can arise to such power and rebrand a decades old communist manefesto and call it a new deal invite a communist organizer to the state of the union speech and it is branded as a good thing, we can all think that it will never happen but it is happening

    1. Who are the idiots that voted this POS in ? My guess is millennial Snowsflakes that just voted for their first time, and know nothing about what makes this the greatest country in the world.

  8. 9:23 what part of leader of the Democratic Party means "must immediately be President" to you? Perhaps 6:11 would like the same old same old to continue where the rich keep writing the laws that line their pockets? Pretty scary when people begin to accept subpar infrastructure and investments while supporting tax loops for the upper class. Paying your fair share to society is not communism although the rich have done a very good job of convincing you all it is

    1. This ad was paid for by the lunatic left.

  9. Geez, he's going to send the old farts thru the roof.

  10. While Moore is an idiot and completely wrong about changing the Constitution to suit his wacky ideas, he may not be far off on her being the Dems new leader. They are desperate for a leader. Could she be the equivalent to a former German corporal? Time will tell if she has staying power. The 35 age limit was attempt to have the President to be a more seasoned adult.

  11. I don't elfin think so.

  12. Deceptive. The 70% number is on moneys earned past the 10 million per year mark, and as polling shows most Americans seem to be in favor of her idea.

    Not being clear on this is not really being honest.

    You would make $27,397 EVERY DAY before that tax rate would effect the dollars beyond it.

    These people are making more money in a few days than the average American family sees in an entire year.

    I'm not seeing that person suffering. My family works hard to provide and we struggle. Taxes taken from us ARE a true and viable burden. They aren't when you are making $27 thousand dollars a day.

    I guess it's how one defines what is just and fair to have solid infrastructure for a thriving society?

  13. 7:30What is your fair share, what is the reality of a so called fossil fuel free society, who are the so called rich Clinton, Bezos (the ones who support the so called green deal). the problem is Government which does not seek to represent the people. Ask your beholden AOC to give up her $173,000 salary plus free health care provided by us for the rest of her life

  14. I think they should go get a room! And stay there FOREVER!

  15. He is a cow that contributes to cow farting and is resposrespo for global so called fart warming.


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