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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Limbaugh: Budget deal has more evidence of 'multifaceted coup' against Trump

Radio host Rush Limbaugh says the budget deal handed to President Trump is further evidence of a “multi-faceted coup” by politicians in both parties, government bureaucrats and members of the media.

The conservative pundit says legislative poison pills on border security were part of an ongoing effort to cause his base to abandon ship.

“This coup is continuing, is the point — and the coup, I think, continues in this budget deal,” Mr. Limbaugh said Friday. “It’s a multi-faceted coup that is occurring. … I firmly believe that what members of Congress, both parties, actually want with this bill is to send a message that nothing is ever going to happen as long as Donald Trump is president. The attempt in this budget deal is to send a message to you Trump voters that it’s worthless voting for him, that it is a waste of time supporting him because they are demonstrating that he can’t get anything done.

“When it comes to open borders and to amnesty, we don’t have two political parties,” he continued. “We have one.



  1. It should be law that every piece of legislation has to be read from cover to cover before a member of the legislature votes on it, and that no bill shall be presented to the body if there is inadequate time to do the reading.

  2. Trump just so happens to be the one standing up for Americans and this country. Its getting in the way of their agendas. It could be our Lord and Savior. The same would be happening, they would treat him the same way. If they are not a leftest Progressive regardless of whom it is will be getting more of the same.Open borders globalism, agenda 21, North American Union. Sharia Law. Its all a money and power grab of the left. They want to control you. Take your money and work you like a dog and take your money and tell you of what you are going to do. If you want to keep your rights and freedom and Liberty, you better start acting like it. Its slipping away right under you nose. You keep going out and voting for them. You condone their every behavior. Do you seriously think they care about you? You are nothing more then a tool for them to get what they want. By the time you take that wool from over your eyes it will be to late. You will be just like 400 years ago. Enslaved to a tyranical overbearing and unjust criminal and corrupt Government. Working your fingers to the bone to hand over to them. Do as i say and you get what i let you have. Do you really want to go back to having to accept the scraps from the Kings table? Or do you want your Liberties and Freedom? It all starts with you and it all starts at the ballot box.

  3. You know, nothing happened in Congress BEFORE Trump became president. Obama had to legislate with his pen, and now Trump is having to do the same. Congress is incompetent and impotent. It is now a very useless, expensive, one third of our federal government, that accomplishes nothing for the United States of America. It has become an organization that is only interested in it's own power, and not the will of the people that elected them to represent their constituents. Congress can't even perform the most basic of their duties, to pass a budget. The closest they get is a budget resolution that lasts only weeks, or a few months, at best. And they politicize that as much as they can. Pathetic!

  4. Trump is not the problem, Congress is the problem.


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