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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Kim Jong-un has had 421 officials 'purged' and executed - report says

Kim Jong-un is using barbaric methods to 'purge' his officials and cling onto power, according to a damning South Korean investigation.

The dictator has had 421 officials executed and exiled since seizing power in 2011, with victims being fed naked to hunting dogs, blown up with anti-aircraft guns, burned alive with flamethrowers and hanged, the report claims.

In some cases, entire families of officials have been executed while others were imprisoned in concentration camps and 'erased from society'.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry folks but this is what ultimately happens under communism. If we don’t stand up to them, this pattern of governing behavior will eventually exist here in a much “fundamentally changed” America. Obama is licking his chops and planning this very moment.

  2. So we went in and got rid of Saddam Husein and let this sadistic murderer continue killing his people off?


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