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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Judges’ Ruling Finds City’s Ban on Topless Women Discriminatory

It’s the sort of court case that belongs on The Onion.

But Free the Nipple-Fort Collins v. City of Fort Collins is a real lawsuit all right—with real implications. (Legalized toplessness, if you’re wondering.)

For years, conservatives have talked about the slippery slope of the gender debate. Keep your shirt on, liberals said. Well, Coloradans—you first.

Call it naked ambition, but when radical feminists in Fort Collins decided to fight the city’s ban on toplessness, most people didn’t think they had a chance.

That might have been true a decade ago, but now, as the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is proving, anything is possible on this runaway train of gender equality.

According to a three-judge panel of one of the country’s highest courts, there shouldn’t be any difference between women’s breasts and men’s. And suggesting otherwise is, in its opinion, discrimination.

“A breast is a breast, is it not?” Judge Mary Beck Briscoe fired back at the city’s attorney, Andrew Ringel, who dared to argue that men’s and women’s bodies are different—and must be regulated accordingly.



  1. Yes there are people who want to allow women to go topless just like the pictures in National Geographic - women bare breasted with a child hanging on to the women's bare nipple. Is that what we want - 3rd world country?

  2. remember- the women who want to be topless are never the women men want to see topless.

  3. If they want to go around topless I'm all for it. Saying the men can and women can't is just not right, and discriminatory. Truthfully, I don't see many women actually going topless.. this is mostly a non-issue.

    Making the argument that women's breast are "inherently sexual", doesn't really hold water, either.

    Lipstick, rouge, and high heels are all used to make women "inherently more sexual". They mimic actual sex display by women to their potential partners, and no one is arguing to make laws outlawing lipstick, or rouge, or heels.

  4. Go to a topless beach if you are that weird...But don't subject families and children to your perversion.

  5. We are moving in that direction keep voting for dems

  6. Some things should remain a mystery.

  7. Be careful for what you wish for


  8. Leg men will be disappointed when gravity causes the unleashed puppies to cover attractive knees!

  9. I suggest the men in Ft.Collins start a Free the Penis campaign and see what happens. If we have judges stupid enough to Free the Nipple I'm certain that would pass also.


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