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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Judge deals blow to Obama hopes of building his library on historic park land

A federal judge on Tuesday dealt a blow to President Barack Obama's presidential center in Chicago by allowing a lawsuit against the project to continue.

Protect Our Parks, Inc., along with conservation and historical groups, sued last May to stop the center from being built on historic, lakefront parkland in Chicago. The Obama Foundation is trying to build a $500 million presidential center on that land, and opponents are trying to keep the project out of Jackson Park, which is nearly as old as Central Park in New York City.

“We are not opposing construction of the Obama Presidential Center, as long as it’s not in historic Jackson Park,” said Herbert Caplan, Protect Our Parks founder.



  1. That is probably the only safe area and Obama does not want to build it in the ghettos he so well liked to get elected.


  2. Just more stealing from the public to gratify the former narcissist-in-chief. Glad to see genuine push-back from authentic Chicagoans.

  3. Don't mess with the public parks in Chicago!

    The band Chicago wrote a song about the parks.

    "Saturday, in the park, I think is was the forth of July..."

  4. This president doesn't deserve a Presidential Center he is the worst president we ever had and he sent back race relations is this country worse than the 50's. He needs to go direct to the border with his snotty wife Michelle. In his last term in office we saw his true colors of hatred and bigotry he is no better than his friend Al Sharpton.


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