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Thursday, February 14, 2019

It's Time for the Chicago PD to Charge Jussie Smollett for Fabricating a Hate Crime

It’s time for the Chicago Police Department to stop wasting taxpayer resources investigating what is obviously a fabricated hate crime and charge Jussie Smollett with making a false statement to police.

To quickly recap: Smollett, an openly gay actor and musician who stars in the Fox show, “Empire,” recently claimed he was the victim of a horrific hate crime perpetuated by Trump-supporting thugs. Besides acting, Smollett is well known for being an outspoken critic of President Trump.

According to the account relayed to the celebrity gossip site, TMZ, Smollett was attacked upon leaving a Chicago Subway sandwich shop around 2 AM. The masked attackers, he says, recognized him, hurled racial and homophobic epithets at him (”Empire f*gg*t n*gger!”), beat him up, tied a noose around his neck, poured bleach on him, and said triumphantly, “This is MAGA Country!”

The original report said his rib was broken in the attack and he was recovering in a hospital. Smollett also told police that in the days before the attack, he received a death threat in the mail. That letter was signed “MAGA,” the same thing he says his attackers yelled. The letter itself used letters from magazines to conceal the sender’s handwriting.

News of the attack immediately went viral, and celebrities worldwide used the incident to denounce what they described as growing intolerance of minorities.

But as people clamored for more information, Smollett started clamming up. The Chicago Police Department opened an investigation, with an assist from the FBI, only to find the actor extremely uncooperative. What evidence they did turn up only served to undermine Smollett’s story.

During a performance at Chicago’s Troubadour Theater days after the attack, Smollett read a prepared statement acknowledging parts of his original story were untrue. Smollett admitted his ribs were not actually broken and that he never went to the hospital.

More here


  1. His gig is up. Prosecute him!

  2. never happen. only conservatives get charged with crimes! demonrats always get a pass!

  3. For the first time in -well, never- my wife just told me i was right. I said this on day ONE that this was too neat and tidy to be real. It just smelled of a fabrication.
    She was like "How did you know!?" When something is too good to be true, it probably is.

  4. 8:23 I call it my BS meter


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