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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Investigation Clears Covington Students of Wrongdoing

The Catholic schoolboys originally accused of mocking Native Americans and making offensive statements after last month's March For Life did nothing of the sort, a new investigation found.

According to The Washington Post, Greater Cincinnati Investigation, Inc. looked at what happened Jan. 18 and determined none of the boys from Covington Catholic High School participated in offensive behavior.

A video went viral two days after the alleged incident that appeared to show a student mocking a Native American activist who was playing a drum. Longer videos showed a group of Black Israelites were actually mocking the boys and swearing at them, at which point the Native Americans got between the two groups.

That did not stop many in the media and other groups from blaming the boys, but the investigation found they did nothing wrong.



  1. Now the lawsuit to shut down ALL the media and celebrities

  2. They are still blaming the boys in many circles.

  3. Other than the video that we have all now seen, has anyone seen the media ANY media post a picture of the Black Istraelites? They are the ones that started the entire thing. They not only harassed the Native American but they were calling the boys awful names. Not one new channel plastered their photos anywhere. Why weren't they arrested after the real video surfaced.

  4. Arrest the black Israelites for what? Yes, they are scum, they are idiots, and they are ignorant. They have the right to freedom of speech no matter how offencive or ignorant it is.

  5. It's time to hold the news media more accountable and start fining them and those who attach false narratives to stories. Let's see how many apologies the boys actually get.


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