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Friday, February 22, 2019

In 1978, a college student could work a minimum-wage summer job and pay tuition for a whole year.


  1. Not to mention actually be able to get through an extensive job interview. Because they actually were taught for a career. Not HATE AMERICA. HATE OUR PRESIDENT. HATE OUR FOUNDERS. HATE OUR MILITARY. HATE OUR POLICE OFFICERS. HATE YOUR PARENTS. HATE ANY AUTHORITY. HATE THE AMERICAN DREAM. EVERYTHING IS RACIST. EVERYTHING SHOULD BE FREE. LOVE OUR ENEMIES. HATE OUR ALLIES. JUST BECOME TOTALLY DISCONNECTED FROM REALITY. EMBRACE SOCIALISM. Our country is F**KED with these next leaders of the nation. I'm very happy to be gone before I see the entire dismantling of AMERICA.

  2. Now that would basically cover their cell phone plan.

  3. you know those socialist teachers need more money to brain wash the students

  4. And he/she would get a true education.

  5. You can still do it now as long as you don't live on campus.

  6. And now a day every professors are getting fatter and fatter with greed too

  7. It's a racket.

    It is crazy. Your pay rate is no longer determined by your ability to do a job, but by your degree.

    My wife has been working in HR for years, but is not qualified to get jobs elsewhere because no piece of paper degree. Actual years of work in a field apparently don't count, and she is payed LESS than she would be if she had the degree.

    Somehow, we have convinced society that you have to have that degree.. no matter what it is. Simply supply and demand and what the market will bear. It used to be about higher education, now it's about profits.

    Nothing will change until consumer opinion changes, and hiring practices change.

    1. I know what you mean. I'm in the same boat. We have degreed people all around who have no clue what to do. They walk around and dismiss the ones who try to help them because they aren't degreed. It's really embarrassing but the entire upper tier are the same way.

  8. Those days are Looooong Gone !!!!

    The 70's was the Last of the good ole days before Prices
    started Going UP UP UP !!! Rent /cars/houses/ etc etc

  9. More like 1 full semesters tuition and part of the next. Been there done that during that time.

  10. WGU.edu - online college. $3k for 6 months of classes. Towards an accredited bachelors degree.

    Not selling WGU - but it's an easy example that realistic, affordable and good options exist that don't cost $30/k for a semester.

  11. Hard to get a job when all the scum bag employers around here hire illegals.


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