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Sunday, February 17, 2019

‘I’m Watching You, White Boy’

An op-ed was published in Yale University’s student newspaper on Thursday, suggesting that students collect and store evidence on white male classmates, so that it can be used to ruin political careers in the future.

“I’m watching you, white boy,” says author Isis Davis-Marks in an op-ed published in the Yale Daily News, who claims that she will save any evidence that she finds of white male classmates behaving badly — even if it’s “unintentional” — just in case she needs it to end a political career in the future.

“Everyone knows a white boy with shiny brown hair and a saccharine smile that conceals his great ambitions,” explains Davis-Marks in her op-ed, claiming that one day, she will turn on CNN to see that the “white boy” has become a “white man” sitting at his “Senate confirmation hearing.”

“When I’m watching the white boy,” writes Davis-Marks, “I’ll remember a racist remark that he said, an unintentional utterance that he made when he had one drink too many at a frat party during sophomore year.”

More here


  1. If this is true something needs to be done. Think a minute if you changed it from white to black. Well I guess it would not matter look at Al, Jessie, Tiger, Bill Cosby and OJ, they are still hero's to most people. Some day this is going to go to far.

  2. Typical maybe she should be looking at the five little thugs in Nashville that killed an up and coming music star. As you might have guessed he was White the little thugs were Black. Maybe she should spend the weekend in any major city run by Democrats. Nope that will not meet the Negro rhetoric or liberal agenda. Black on White crime is at an all time high. MSM will not speak of it.
    Blacks murdering Blacks is at an all time high. Anyone else sick of this crying from a race of people that has been given every chance to excel. I know I am. They call for reparations you have gotten them for the last sixty years. It called welfare.

    Yep I am watching you Black Girl.

  3. Hate is a four letter word regardless of color. when asked about race, why not respond by saying "The Human Race" or is this not POLITICALLY CORRECT.

  4. This is a pretty sick state of affairs!

    What if we recorded what every non-white person did for future presentation! The constitution has something there regarding freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures!

    Granted, statistically, the non-white population has a higher propensity to inappropriate behaviour, so the evidence pile will be larger and of greater depth!

  5. These people are not leftists- they are Maoists. What is happening is no different than Mao's "Red Guards" who were trained to rat out their family members if they said anything counter to the party.

    The only solution is for the Feds to withdraw ALL money from universities. Make no more student loans. Naturally, our coward leaders (of both parties) will do no such thing.

    If you think it cant happen here- dont forget that Salisbury has a Office of Institutional equity. Equity- NOT equality. Equality means everyone gets the same starting chance. Equity means everyone gets the same outcome.

  6. What an ugly person. Now that we know who she is I suggest her classmates, friends, enemies do the same to her. Apparently she doesn't plan to do anything with her life except keep track of others. No good will come of that and I'm afraid she will be loser.

  7. Dave T: So much hate coming from blacks it's amazing. Even when you treat them fairly they still hate you.

  8. 9:43 another loser we can add to the welfare roles if, she's not already there.

  9. Didn’t the Wayan brothers put on white face and portray blonde women as idiots?

  10. Yes, 10:53, and Eddie Murphy did a skit in "white face" also

  11. Has anyone figured out why these idiots are acting this out, speaking racists comments continually, and don't know how to simply get along with ALL colors and cultures??? Plain and simple; indoctrination coming from government/public schools and colleges/universities. Wake Up.

  12. I can only speak for myself.I've done nothing ever that anyone could find fault with unless they made something up.

  13. Boo hoo..... watch me all you want. It doesn't matter to me because I will never want to run for any office and become corrupt.
    Actually, I have never been a racist in my 70 some years but "they" are making one out of me fast.

  14. 11:58...isn't that what the two-term turd that hold up in the White House wants? I think that was and is his intentions to have whites and blacks fighting. Shows how dumb he is because it wouldn't be a fight. I would call it a slaughter. Another reason he and "they" want every breathing thing that is not a pale face enter this great country. They blame it on President Trump, but the turd did this while sucking at the government trough, criticizing and condemning police. Beer summit my butt.

  15. Who are you calling "boy"?!

  16. Maybe she should could keep in mind we have her picture and her post to use against her maybe someday you put it out there don't forget!

  17. Time for the civil war 💪

  18. White boy is watching you too !!! Bring it on !!!!

  19. This is the height of black ignorance. What if this was the other way around? Look out, folks! Your city is gonna burn, baby, burn.

  20. Only white people can be racist anymore, thanks to you F'n freeloading Libtards.

  21. Isis, the white boys will be watching you too. To see how many black babies you produce on government welfare programs. To see how many government loans you default on. To see how many places you commit fraud with false information. Oh yeah, going to be much easier to collect data to use against you. Its in your genes. You can't resist trying to get "over on" the man. You'll be in jail before any of your classmates are nominated for SCOTUS. Your color truly comes out with comments like that. Everyone knows a black girl like you, and everyone wants those girls to stay away from them.

  22. The ones I hear every day have the filthiest mouths. And they are black. And also the ones who abuse children the most.


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