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Monday, February 25, 2019


February 20 ·  
So Hollywood put up this barrier to keep unauthorized people out in preparation for the Academy Awards in order to protect the stars from danger so that they can tell America why walls and barriers are wrong and immoral. Hmmm. #Hypocrisy


  1. Almost as hypocritical as stealing taco pictures and claiming them as your own bar's food? Almost, lil joey.

    1. Are your comments a cry for help? You want to be on his nuts soooo bad, huh?

  2. I'm sure if a person went up to that gate and explained that they just want to get off the street outside the gate because they felt it was dangerous out there, would feel safer on the other side of the fence, that there is poverty on the street, and they needed to protect their kids, I'm sure the guards would let them right in.

  3. I love hypocrisy!!!!! Especially when you dumb asses let them do it to you and get away with it, all becasue you don't give a crap about anything do you?

    It shows politicians are smarter than anyone of you... They can keep using the same old dog and pony show, and you gobble it up every time... So how does it make them stupid if you are the ones falling for it???


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