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Friday, February 22, 2019

Harris asked about Smollett case after dining with Al Sharpton in NYC

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) was peppered with questions about the actor Jussie Smollett on Thursday when leaving a meeting with the Rev. Al Sharpton in Harlem, N.Y.

Video captured after the event showed Harris briskly walking to a car while ignoring shouted questions regarding the Smollett case about which she had previously commented.

Smollett was arrested early Thursday and charged with one count of disorderly conduct in connection with filing a false police report over his claim that he was attacked in a Chicago neighborhood by two men yelling racist and homophobic slurs.

Harris was among the first 2020 Democratic presidential candidates to weigh in on Smollett's case last month after he claimed to be the victim of a hate crime. Harris called the alleged attack a "modern-day lynching" in late January. President Trump also condemned the incident at the time, saying "it doesn't get worse."



  1. "I am sad, frustrated and disappointed" (because the story is not true)...

  2. Sorry, but this is a federal crime. Please acknowledge that.

  3. Arrogant, ignorant and racist, what a winning combination!

    1. Did you say the same about Trump whe he commented early on the case?

    2. 5:55 Trump also responded after learning Smollett had been attested. Kamala on the other hand chose to spin it into hate crimes being committed around our country. She also failed to mention that most of said hate crimes reported were hoaxes perpetrated by blacks. Nor did she cast any blame on Smollett.

  4. I hope that she didn't ask Al for guidance. Maybe she was looking to get the great gig that he has with the MSM.


  5. Why would a Jamaican-Asian Indian raised in Canada care about what a lousy actor in Chicago was doing?


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