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Thursday, February 21, 2019

'Give these brown babies a shot': UNC defends its use of race in admissions

A legal battle that's engulfed the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill offers a rare window into how admissions staffers at an elite public university discuss applicants — and the extent to which race plays into those exchanges.

“Can we get excited for this brown ... boy who’s being raised by his grandfather, wants to become a surgeon, #2 in his class?" an admissions officer wrote in one online chat unearthed by opponents of affirmative action. "Yes! Admit w/ merit!”



  1. If there's a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater that scored one point higher.....

    Race should never be a criteria!

  2. Everybody needs to cool down and realize the facts about whats going on. NO ONE is advocating for these schools to just allow any person of color in. What they are accounting for is that a high ranking student of color who has demonstrated grit in the face of life challenges is probably a stronger candidate than little bobby silver spoon. I know that is a tough pill to swallow for many. And before the "I walked to school uphill 5 miles both ways" stories start, keep in mind when I refer to "life challenges", I'm talking about the Baltimore kid who walked to school dodging bullets and gangs.

    1. Please. You really believe that. Before black it was Asian student who were given affirmative action. It's a joke now.


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