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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Gayle King Made Me Want To Throw Up This Morning

Can you just imagine if it was President Donald Trump who had the "black face" in his yearbook and just how badly the left wing liberals would be tearing him apart as a racist. This morning Gayle King and the CBS This Morning crew started making excuses for this piece of crap and how sorry he is for LYING numerous times to the public. They went on to say they had spoken to numerous citizens of Virginia who still support this Governor, yet they never once showed/interviewed ONE of them. 

I'm just sick and tired of the excuses. The fact that these liberals will get caught doing such horrific things and then come back with, I'm so sorry. The man LIED, period. If this was one of your employees you'd flat out terminate them. End of story. The man IS a racist, he flat out lied and now because he's been caught, he's sorry. Throw the bum out of office and move on. 


  1. There are many in the Democratic party that are closet racists.

    They are the party that created the social welfare programs that have
    help back blacks and the poor. The want to keep the status quo and live
    in their gated mansions all while say we know what is best for you, while pretending to be on your side.

    Most liberals I have met, both black and white are the biggest racists out there. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  2. He is a DOCTOR and okays ABORTION at 9 months DEMS ARE POS.
    He should LOSE his License .

  3. Gayle is too blinded by hate and bigotry to see the truth. NO moral compass.

  4. Did not watch because I can't stand Oprah's best friend and glad I didn't watch this liar. Which lie are people supposed to believe anyway. He keeps telling lies upon lies. Virginia has a whole bunch of liars at the top just like the democratic congress, get rid of all of them.

  5. How about the scarf/wearing member of Congress - why has she not been censured for her blatantly anti-Jew tweets???

  6. Why are these congresswoman and Senators DOCTORS AND LAWYERS ?..??????..????? FN CONTROL FREAKS.

  7. I agree whole heartedly. We should hold ALL public officials to the same standards, regardless of political affiliation.

    If the Lie, out of office they go.

    Now.. .who else is in office can we think of who is notorious for lying...hmmm....

    1. pelosi / schumer / pocahontas etc. The list goes on & on with POS democrats

  8. We never watch those hater programs.

  9. Gayle King just coughed up a giant hairball of Doperahs hair. They both make me sick.

  10. Of course he lies he's a Democrat,it's expected.

  11. It's truly sad that the majority of blacks and all Democrats have is the race card

  12. If he had dressed as a dog, PETA would have banned him!!.... WTF!!

  13. Never heard of this Gayle until now, so I'm sure I haven't missed anything.
    Take the good governor. What is the big deal. I know he is a lair because I watched him in his press conference the following day of "Breaking News" or "Alert" lol. I thought it was okay to lie as long as it's not to the upper crust (congress).

  14. Gayle King has hear fuzzy head so far up Oprah's ass that she doesn't dare say, do or think anything other than what Oprah wants her to. Thanks to Oprah for getting Obama elected and backing that big mouth woman in GA, Stacy Abrams.

  15. Can't expect much from the Communist Broadcast System.


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