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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Gary Bauer: Trump Is Right

If you want a good example of fake news, the hysteria over President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the border is it.

You are being told by a media mob that the president has made himself a dictator, that he is using powers he does not have. Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer called Trump’s decision “lawless.”

Here are the facts:

Congress has repeatedly granted the president the power to declare national emergencies since 1976.

The left-wing Brennan Center for Justice has identified 123 statutory powers – that means authority already existing in the law approved by Congress – that the president can exercise under an emergency declaration.

This power has been used nearly 60 times and by every president since Jimmy Carter, who declared two national emergencies. Reagan declared six. George H. W. Bush four. Clinton seventeen. George W. Bush twelve. Obama thirteen.

Donald Trump has already used this power three times during his administration. No one freaked out then.

There are 31 active national emergencies still in effect.

In 2005, two Democrat governors, Janet Napolitano (D-AZ) and Bill Richardson (D-NM) declared states of emergency at their borders due to surging illegal immigration, crime and violence – the same issues President Trump is citing today.

President Trump has every legal right to issue this emergency declaration.


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