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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Former White House Lawyer: Rosenstein Refused to Investigate James Comey

John Dowd, the former lead attorney representing President Donald Trump in dealing with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign, blasted Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in an ABC News podcast released Tuesday for his handling of the investigation.

Dowd’s resignation last March was interpreted as a blow to the president’s legal defense, and perhaps as a sign that the White House was losing confidence in its case. But Dowd said then, and told ABC News again Tuesday, that Mueller would find nothing on Trump — and said the Special Counsel should simply “‘knock it off and get it done.”

In addition, he said that Rosenstein had failed to manage Mueller’s investigation properly, and had declined to investigate former FBI director James Comey for misleading Congress when presented with the evidence:

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