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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Face It, Trump Is Making America Great Again


  1. Facts can be posted all day long and the democrats still won't budge on their hatred of President Trump and the Republican party. This because the democrat party and their putrid loser nothing voters are the party of liars and all around nasty garbage people. This is why most are nothing but lowly peons none worthy to even be breathing the same air as the good the righteous moral people of the GOP. The only thing they didn't lie about was when they called themselves nasty and nasty rank losers they are. Used toilet paper has more value then any democrats.

  2. my neighbor built a wall around his house because im constantly walking around my yard naked. also my craps are vile and disgusting and his wall helps refract the smell waves back into my yard

  3. Obama's creditionals consist of community organizer. Why was America so blind. Never voted for him. Understood his first term (black president was on order) but a second term I couldn't understand because everyone I knew felt he was incompetent to be President. Let's not make that mistake again. Trump may not be your cup of tea but he is looking out for America.

  4. Some jealous nut jobs can hate the good man all they want, he doesn't need their best wishes. President Donald J. Trump is doing his job and I for one approve of him.

  5. Obama was/is a SOROS hack to destroy America ….look what is going on with Great Britain ? they want out ….BREXIT NOW.

  6. Jimmy Carter is overjoyed!

  7. I LOVE THE DONALD!!!!♥ ♥ ♥

  8. Lol got to love the selective editing of the comments on this board. You dont like folks to point out the clear fallacies in your narrative. I dont know why; seems this audience ksnt bright enough to understand anyway.

  9. Take that > Demon-crats !!!! More to come in Next Term !!!!

  10. The fact is they don't want us to succeed. It is counter to their agenda.

  11. Choke on the current figures Obama and his wanna bees-buzz.

  12. Those numbers remind me of Hillary's promised 150,000 jobs to Upstate New York, instead delivering a negative 30,000.

  13. Time to throw out the rest of that OBAMA CARE !!! NOW

  14. No More MANDATES ever !!! We are supposed to be FREE ...... !!!!

  15. @ February 6, 2019 at 3:07 PM. Then why don't you point out those so called clear fallacies for us then? Let's see just how bright you are.


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