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Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Salisbury, Maryland... Executive Bob Culver announced today that Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury have reached a settlement agreement on several disputed matters. Past administrations have been unsuccessful in resolving these issues. Wicomico County requested that these differences be settled with arbitration.

By doing so, it was determined the County owed the City of Salisbury for a past agreement arising from the construction operation, removal of the sludge handling facility, and the sewage lagoon at Salisbury Wastewater Treatment plant. The county has agreed to deduct $89,572 from $252,474 that is owed to Wicomico County for one half the chiller in the Government Office Building.

Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury were able to agree that the city will pay their portion of the Master Lease Agreement, which was entered into May 30, 2012 with Grant Capital Management, Inc. no later than June 30th of each year.

The settlement agreement also included finalizing the ownership of Government Office Building that houses both the county and city offices.

Previously, Wicomico County billed and collected real estate taxes for the City of Salisbury at no cost to them. It was agreed that the City of Salisbury will now bill and collect their taxes beginning July 1, 2019. Wicomico County Department of Finance will still handle the tax sales for all municipalities.


  1. Can't wait for the City's "spin" on this one. CITY WINS ALMOST $100K FROM COUNTY IN DISPUTE!!!(Other matters cleared up, also)…

  2. So who owns the GOB?

  3. Bob is really winning here! Don't tell the Libs, lol!

  4. Why does the city need to have an extra staff and expenses for sending tax bills?

  5. Thank you, Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen for making the public aware of all these contractual violations so that a plan could finally be put into place to settle up and move on.

  6. so now the city residence will get two tax bills, does this mean my property taxes will GO UP!!!!!! just asking


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