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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Don Lemon: It’s Not Jussie Smollett’s “Fault” That He Lost in the Court of Public Opinion

CNN host runs defense for actor arrested for staging his own hate crime

CNN host Don Lemon ran defense for Jussie Smollett on his show last night, claiming that it’s not the actor’s “fault” that he lost in the court of public opinion.

Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi announced that Smollett was “under arrest and in custody of detectives” this morning. His bail hearing is set for 1:30pm local time.

Smollett launched a media firestorm at the end of last month when he claimed he was assaulted by two individuals who shouted “this is MAGA country” and had a noose placed around his neck.

However, evidence soon emerged clearly suggesting Smollett had paid two Nigerian brothers who worked on the show Empire with him to stage the attack.

Despite some on the left deleting old tweets that signaled vehement support for Smollett and with others keen to avoid talking about the issue altogether, Don Lemon appeared to double down by absolving Smollett of blame.



  1. Yeah we know. ITS PRESIDENT TRUMP'S FAULT. LMAO. Who would think that in this day and age we actually have MAIN STREAM RACISTS on TV?? Just think if a white commentary would say what these RACISTS BIGOTS get away with. Hell look at Roseanne Barr. Look at Megan Kelley. Compare what they said ONCE to what this black POS and his guests say EVERYDAY.

  2. Is it me or are ALL the blacks in today's affirmative action media dumb as a bag of hammers?? Your ignorance is turning your own supporters against you

    1. Your right. These are the POS teachers just passed to get them away from. These are the loud mouth Lowlife's who disruptive behavior ruined learning. Then their black face got them into jobs after 100's of qualified Whites. Just like when you see one with a pH D in African studies. FREAKING DELUSIONAL.

  3. Salisbury what's up with your local Caucasian hater Don Rush?? Everytime I come across pac-14 he has another guest on bashing whites and crying about century old slavery practices. This idiot is too stupid to realize that some weak liberal kiss ass like himself will be the first to go when shit hits the fan

  4. Race baiters! The likes of Don Lemon are a disgrace to the race and shame their ancestry. Many are proud people and productive in society but idiots like these keep their race dumbed down and ignorant.

  5. To all the blacks who night read this how f'ing dumb are you? You stand behind idiots like this that do nothing but divide us. After all your ancestors went through now you throw it all away while illegals and Muslims flood the country. Remember this when the US is forced to be a Muslim nation you'll be the first to go. Muslims can't stand blacks and to this day practice modern day slavery. GOOD LUCK IDIOTS

  6. I have nothing against gays.I even thought about being gay once,but when I took a good look at men and then took a good look at women there was no contest.Backing Jussie will eventually be considered as bad as voting to go to war with Iraq.

  7. It is never a liberal hack's fault for any of the lies or crimes they commit starting with the Hildabeast and hubby Bill on down. They think it is ok to skirt the law or flat out ignore it as long as they have a scape goat excuse to blame it on!!

  8. When will the liberal racism STOP. A black racist defending another black racist. Supported by all the Hollywood racist. And talked down to by all the MSM racist. Thank God I'm a patriotic white Christian who loves the constitution and my freedom and my guns.


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