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Monday, February 25, 2019

DNC Chair Tom Perez Says VA Gov. Blackface, KKK Ralph Northam Should Resign 'His Ability to Govern Has Been Compromised'

DNC Chairman Tom Perez told FOX News host Chris Wallace on Sunday that Virginia Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam should resign over the racist college yearbook photo.

Chris Wallace asked Mr. Perez if he still feels that Governor Ralph Northam should resign for wearing blackface in college.

“I think his ability to govern has been compromised,” Perez said.

Chris Wallace pressed Tom Perez and asked him, “so should he still step down?”



  1. the LT Governor should also resign and be charged.

  2. Another Maryland Democrat alumnus heard from here. All they can do is whine and try to make a space for themselves.

  3. He was the guy in the hood that's why he NEVER said who he was and he wants to murder baby's. Life starts in the car ride home?


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