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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Conservatives Should Worry About the American Psychological Association

A 2014 New Yorker article asks: “Is Social Psychology Biased against Republicans?” The question arose after Dr. Jonathan Haidt spoke to an audience of psychologists and asked attendees to share their political affiliations by a show of hands. The results were extreme:

[On the Left, a] “sea of hands,” comprising about eighty per cent of the room, Haidt later recalled. Next, the centrists or moderates. Twenty hands. Next, the libertarians. Twelve hands. And last, the conservatives. Three hands.

Despite voicing multiple reasons why psychology might skew somewhat left, Dr. Haidt questioned the magnitude of the discrepancy, stating:

I submit to you that the under-representation of conservatives in social psychology, by a factor of several hundred, is evidence that we are a tribal moral community that actively discourages conservatives from entering.

Rebuttals swiftly followed.


  1. Where is the outrage? Here is a Democrat elected to the Maryland House of Delegated caught using the "N" word recently at an Annapolis cigar bar and she refuses to resign. Joe, please post this story from the Liberal Rag "Maryland Matters" to show how Democrats get a free pass why Republicans would have been annihilated after using the "N" word.

    Lawmaker’s Racial Slur Roils State House
    By Bruce DePuyt| Danielle E. Gaines -February 26, 2019

    Del. Mary Ann Lisanti (D-Harford) released a statement on Tuesday afternoon apologizing for her “word choice.” She also said she has agreed to participate in sensitivity training.

    The Washington Post reported on Monday that members of the Legislative Black Caucus met with Lisanti on Monday night “over allegations that she told a white colleague, during an after-hours gathering at an Annapolis cigar bar, that when he campaigned in Prince George’s on behalf of a candidate last fall he was door-knocking in a ’n—– district.’”

    “I pray for forgiveness.”

    Sounds like Speaker Busch is going to give his Democrat buddy a free pass.

    In his statement later in the day, Busch held out the possibility of redemption for Lisanti, but took pains to make no promises regarding her future.

    “I hope that through the sensitivity training that Delegate Lisanti has agreed to and the help of her colleagues, she will develop a greater understanding of the impact that she has had on her fellow legislators and the entire House of Delegates,” Busch wrote.

    “Like anyone who has made a mistake, she has the opportunity for redemption – but it is her responsibility to do so and earn back the trust of her colleagues.”


  2. The APA has gone off the rails.


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