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Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Comey: 'Zero Chance' Hillary Clinton Will Be Prosecuted in Email Case

Former FBI Director James Comey says there is no chance Hillary Clinton will be prosecuted in the case involving her emails.

Comey made his remarks Monday, while speaking at a town hall event in Sarasota, Florida, reports Fox 13.

"There is zero chance, zero chance, on the facts in the Hillary Clinton case, that she would be prosecuted," Comey said. "You are out of your mind if you don't think the FBI wanted to make a case if we could. The facts weren't there. Period. Full stop."



  1. He is so creepy. Don't we have something to expose him of a creep act. Hillary is a monster 💀 who he is right will never be found guilty of any charges. EonWo even be brought up on charges. Why do you think that is Creepy Comey?

  2. I'm sure he tried his best to make sure it won't happen!

  3. Sadly, he's probably right and this country should demand it!!! Rise up and insist she be prosecuted. (better yet, executed)

  4. President Trump "Hold my beer".....

  5. Of course Nothing will be done......We already knew that !!!!

    Hillary / Comey / Lynch / Obama / Pelosi /Schiff / Schumer

    should all be in Prison !!! Fact


  6. Comey'll be buying Depends by the carton if DOJ gets properly stocked with objective prosecutors.

  7. Comey is Hillary's Homey !!! All he did was to protect her


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