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Sunday, February 17, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: Senate Votes To Overturn Order To Start Schools After Labor Day

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — The Senate has overturned Gov. Hogan’s executive order to start schools after Labor Day.

The final vote overturned the order 31-13.


  1. Unreal y do we even have a gov ?

  2. For what it's worth, I TOLD ALL OF YOU, electing Carroza would do NOTHING for the Eastern Shore, even though Hogan begged everyone to vote for her so the Senate couldn't override him any more. STOP falling for those "sound bites" as it's just a load of crap, here's proof.

  3. wtf?
    Mary Beth left us hanging...
    That's a real stab in the back of our local business owners.

  4. so who is behind this? UNIONS? Are you all ready for school vouchers yet? these morons are sellouts, they no longer work for honest hard working families and citizens. i wanna know WHO IS REALLY PULLING MD POLITICANS STRINGS AND WHO BEHIND THIS AND WHY?

    1. What a stupid reply 11:52
      Why would Unions care if school doesn't start till after Labor Day? Then you ask "who is really pulling md political strings and who IS behind this and why?" Appears you blame all you're disagreements on Unions before researching anything. Stop bashing Unions, as an ignorant bystander.

    2. says the union guy..unions have destroyed education. you own it..so if not the unions then who? who would care?

  5. I thought that this would have no problem staying as policy. I evidently misjudged the stupidity and envy of the state's Democrats.
    Maybe it's time for a referendum with about a dozen issues on it so that we can see what The People really want.

  6. So show me the list who voted and then we shall see

  7. Right on Joe. I'd say vote someone different in every term. Unfortunately, we only get the same ole phony people to run time and time again.

  8. We are at war with the socialist/communist {aka democrats}. They will continue to resist, destroy and enslave. In this case they are severely affecting the economy, cant have any Trump gains. You see what their doing with the billion dollar shooting sports/hunting industry right?
    Wait till they unveil the bill about owning a vehicle that can exceed 65mph...youll have 90 days to relinquish possession of it or face felony charges.

  9. I didnt vote for hogan, I saw him for what he really is. I hate being made a fool of mary beth socialist!

  10. Look how Hogan and Carl ANDERTON stabbed us in the back with the RED FLAG LAW.

  11. ha ha ha . what a bunch of morons. we went to school in the 70's and started after labor day. what a waste of time.

  12. Next they need to scrap this idiotic special event nonsense.

  13. Here's how the votes actually went... https://legiscan.com/MD/rollcall/SB128/id/795963

  14. 1) The Senate cannot unilaterally overturn the order 2) Carozza did not vote to overturn the ordinance; 3) Hogan needed to win FIVE senate seats in 2018 to be able to outride a veto - Carozza was the only one in a competitive race to win.

  15. 11:58 AM: Straight Democrat to overturn, straight Republican to uphold... Imagine that.

  16. I voted for her for a change from the past phony, Jim Boy. I voted for the kid from Delmar just for a change from Norm. What a disappointment on both. Of course I figured so with Beth C because she can't cut the cord from the governor. Didn't he lead us to believe we would be issued carry permits after qualifying? I tell you watt....these turds we pay are screwing us big time. Another thing..lol why is it congress (upper crust) can lie to us but it is a federal offense to lie to them. Be careful, your hired hands will cage you for life. Maybe that's why they don't want illegals in the lockup, saving accommodations for us minions.

  17. if you all dont start voting these democrats out you havent got a thing to cry about

  18. They all voted party lines. All the Dems voted in favor and all the Republicans opposed it.

  19. So stupid. I could see if MD public school students started getting smarter after they started school after Labor Day but the opposite happened. It's unbelievable how far behind the private school graduates they are. Even Amish kids who only go to 8th grade are more intelligent.

  20. Jim Mathias tried to get the democrats on board with the after Labor Day start for years. He got nowhere with his fellow democrats. It took the Executive Order. Now this.

  21. Well there you have it. Idiots who have no employees and don’t listen to anyone who does, make it more accessible for Ukrainians to take summer jobs away from local youth. Annapolis never listens and voters never learn.

  22. The vote was 31-13. If MBC had voted the other way, the vote would have been 30-14.


  23. School Start Tussle Is Quizzical

    Let’s discuss.

    Most readers here support the idea that less government is better government. Governor Hogan’s decision to mandate earliest permissible school start date actually ran against that idea by taking that decision from local boards. BTW, I support starting after Labor Day. I’m Old School.

    Now to Annapolis and their antics. Apparently the legislature can overturn an Executive Order by passing a bill that revokes it or runs directly contrary to it. Didn’t realize that was the case. So the practical effect of this bill and vote, if replicated in the Democrat controlled House, will be to permit local boards of education to set a start date prior to Labor Day, if they choose.

    Of course, since it is traveling as a Bill, the governor can veto it. In which case the legislature can override his veto but at the risk of going on the record with their constituents as being responsible for any unpopular earlier start changes. If he vetoes it at the end of the session the legislature can’t override him until 2020.

    Based on the source article, the Senate President’s rationale for pushing this is squishy, at best. If his concern is the state’s ranking slipping, how does he magically conclude starting a few days earlier was the secret sauce, and starting a few days later led to a precipitous decline? Younger relatives in both Texas and Missouri start much earlier. Are those states better in a given year, or every year, due to that head start in opening the books? Not likely.

    Notice he’s not pushing more school days or longer school days, which might result in more study time, and higher achievement.

    MD was an early adopter of No Child Left Behind and managed to score high rankings as other states were slower to react. When NCLB was failing to achieve 100% goals and jettisoned in favor of Common Core, MD was again in the forefront. So the Common Core chickens are coming home to roost, plus other states have been catching up. States that aren’t saddled with a public school educational hole like Baltimore can be behind on average but ahead in the aggregate. None of those factors are remotely tied to a swing of a few days. Maryland’s stats with Baltimore redacted would be much more pleasing!

    If the bill eventually becomes law, our local boards can decide to play with the calendar. And run the risk of inflaming the public. But we can have much more influence with them than with the corrupted mess that is Annapolis.

    Two side points in closing: Private schools skim some of the cream; apples v oranges. Second, on a party line vote Mathias would do as he was told.

  24. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    For what it's worth, I TOLD ALL OF YOU, electing Carroza would do NOTHING for the Eastern Shore, even though Hogan begged everyone to vote for her so the Senate couldn't override him any more. STOP falling for those "sound bites" as it's just a load of crap, here's proof.

    February 12, 2019 at 11:46 AM
    I don't get it. She voted to support the bill.

  25. Anonymous said...
    So stupid. I could see if MD public school students started getting smarter after they started school after Labor Day but the opposite happened. It's unbelievable how far behind the private school graduates they are. Even Amish kids who only go to 8th grade are more intelligent.

    February 12, 2019 at 5:52 PM

    You are full of sh!t you dumb MORON! This only went into effect for 2017/2018 school and NO studies have been done to say the opposite happened. And as for the Private Schools, they are NOT doing better than our public schools. By the way, I need to tell you my son has already been accepted to 4 top colleges based on his academics alone and they are also looking at his athletic abilities.

    1. Top 4 colleges are accepting your son because he will be an easily trained sheep

  26. 3:25, Your right, you don't get it. I'm glad Carroza voted the way she did. HOWEVER, my POINT to this article is to expose HOGAN for stating he needed Carroza so that the senate couldn't overturn him. This post proves what he said simply wants true or fact.

  27. with the idiots that are teaching my child at jmb, I would rather be given a voucher and send them anywhere else, the state and democrats are what is running the maryland school system and by the looks of what I have seen in this county over the last 30 years the local democrats running the wcboe are just a bunch of scum, out for themselves and their families. ever heard of "go along to get along". everyone looks out for each other, the schools are animal houses. neither of these dates would stop the bs going on here in wico county! thanks Don Fitzgerald! total POS!

  28. well the Endless Summers of vacationers will now end again mid August and give we locals an extra 2 weeks in August to enjoy!

    Wonder what Rickie and Co will do with two more weeks of empty hotel rooms? Probably increase the cost of parking meters! HAHAHHAHA

  29. Gov’t suppose to do “ WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT”, NOT “WHAT THEY (GOV’T) WANT”

  30. Just what we need! Giving the corrupt system more days to keep the illusion going on that there is actually learning/instruction taking place in the crap public education system. More time for administrators and teachers to stroke each others egos and to vote each other as teacher of the year or give each other green apple awards. That's a good idea! Lets do all we can to keep the kids who want to work from being productive!!!


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