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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Bernie Calls For Socialist "Revolution" In America

Following President Trump's vehement rejection of the socialist uprising in America during his State of The Union address, various members of the Democratic Party's presidential nomination circus have escalated one another's efforts to out-socialism each other - from Wealth Taxes to Green New Deals, with 'free shit' for all in between.

However, everyone's favorite three-home-earning, private-jet-flying socialist, Bernie Sanders has ratcheted his campaign's rhetoric to '11' this morning with an op-ed directly calling for a socialist revolution in America - and based on the majority of Americans' views, he may just get one!
It's Time To Complete The Revolution We Started

authored by Bernie Sanders via The Guardian,

One week ago, when we launched our campaign for president, I asked people from across the country to sign up to be part of an unprecedented grassroots campaign. The response from the American people has been historic.

In six days, more than one million people have answered the call. Americans from every single Congressional district in the country have signed up to help lead a movement that is not only about defeating Donald Trump, the most dangerous president in modern American history, but about creating a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice.

This task will not be easy. Today, we have more income and wealth inequality than at any time since the 1920s, and the three wealthiest Americans own more wealth than the bottom half of our country.

Despite relatively low unemployment, millions of people work multiple jobs because they earn starvation wages, 34 millionAmericans have no health insurance, and we pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs.



  1. Bernie has lived for almost 80 years in a capitalist country and became a 1 percenter. Why didn't he move to a socialist country? Why does he need 3 homes? Why does he have to fly first class or private? Why does he accept royalties on his books written about socialism? Why is he collecting FULL SOCIAL SECURITY and making 175 a year from our taxes? BERNIE GIVE ALL YOUR MONEY TO POOR PEOPLE and live on SS.

  2. Bernie is one of the worst hypocrites in this country do as I say not as I live should be his motto. 8:59 you are right on!

  3. We REAL Americans will be shutting down his Non-sense

    & Re-Elect POTUS Trump >> Get used to it !!!

  4. Like I have been saying they are going to get there CIVIL WAR SOON.3 day max

  5. Just wait until POTUS gets hold of him in a debate - get out the popcorn!

  6. I LOVE it all these rich politicians and actors talk about socialism, but if you asked them for a few million to start a hospital in the hills of West Virginia or a school in rural Alabama, their security staff would beat you to death.
    Or shoot you with guns THEY like to have around, just not letting YOU have one.
    They want YOUR money to do the heavy lifting, but keep all of theirs for their comfy lifestyle.
    They never think that, in a socialist revolution, they would be the FIRST victims...
    It's too funny, really.
    Keep cheering.

  7. 2 term limits to keep these idiots out of congress !!!!


  8. Just another Deathocrat/Socialist hypocrite. Won't have Hillary to blame this time.


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