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Thursday, February 21, 2019

3 Lessons From the Jussie Smollett Hoax

The "Empire" actor claimed that when he was walking home at 2 a.m. in Chicago, in the midst of the polar vortex, he was accosted by two assailants, both of whom shouted anti-gay and anti-black slurs at him. They then attempted to throw a noose around his neck and pour what he thought was bleach on him while shouting,

"This is MAGA country!" he says.

None of this is true. Police now believe that Smollett paid two of his friends to stage the entire attack.

Why, exactly, would Smollett do it? He is a successful actor on a hit television show. He's been continuously working in Hollywood for years, with roles in the 2017 films "Marshall" and "Alien: Covenant." He's not exactly a textbook victim.

The answer to this question makes for some uncomfortable lessons.

First, alleged victims sometimes have an incentive to lie. For several years, each time an alleged victim tells an unverified and unverifiable story, we are told that we must believe that victim's story. Why? Because why would the victim lie? But this is often untrue. Smollett had an incentive to lie: unending media attention, fawning sycophancy from politicians and the potential for even greater Hollywood stardom. If Smollett had gotten away with his hoax, he'd be the face of gay, black suffering in the United States. Few had heard of Smollett before this story. Suddenly, he found himself on "Good Morning America," telling the world about his own bravery. That's a lucrative career path.



  1. He did it becasue someone made him do it, like the deep state, don;t be moronic to think they don't control everything... And there is a difference between the deep state and what you call the cabal or anything else...

    1. I agree. He doesn't seem too bright - that's why the deep State chose him.

  2. Just a hint of the fake news to come.

  3. It was poorly planned, poorly scripted and poorly executed, with a believability down there on the minus end of the scale. Suspension of disbelief goes only so far, then it isn't even B movie or direct to DVD quality.

  4. He's a really good actor, too. Did you see him cry during that interview on GMA? It's hard to cry on demand like that.
    Well, hopefully he'll find a great cellmate with a big .......
    ...sense of humor.
    Get your mind out of the gutter.

  5. Why would he do it? Because there will be no consequences, none.

  6. Yesterday the production company stood by him. He's now out on bail and no word that he was fired yet. DOUBLE STANDARD. Fire his butt, cancel his show. DOUBLE STANDARD. Megan Kelly asks about wearing black face and gets fired. Joyless Behar wears it and is still working on the hate filled View.

  7. It was actually a hit on “those two muscular hunks” that this pervert was fantasizing about.

    Don’t drop the soap!


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