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Sunday, January 13, 2019

You Can't Make This Up!


  1. Maybe when he or PELOSI has a DEATH in their families from an illegal. Or raped and murdered by an illegal. Then they might decide to help. The both must be taking money from the drug cartels. CLINTON and OBAMA have.

  2. That one word, Scum, beside his picture, is spot on. That's precisely what he is!

  3. These people would throw their own children to the cartel for 1$. They are not human.

  4. This is a very sick man and watching him standing next to Pelosi was scary he really looks evil, that is a very phony picture and a phony smile reminds me of Jeffrey Dommer the killer. Demonic even.

  5. The Democrats simply believe that they cannot let President Trump win in the eyes of the voters anymore than he already has. The 2020 elections hinge on his success. Democrats will obstruct any and all potential moves by our President in order to reduce his legitimacy.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    These people would throw their own children to the cartel for 1$. They are not human.

    January 9, 2019 at 8:48 AM

    What in the H3ll is 1$??? Learn proper grammar before you speak. It's $1!! Not only is it wrong but it looks stupid when you high school drop outs write like that.

    1. The spelling police strikes again.

    2. Go easy. 1$ (1 dollar) is how you say it. Not $1 (dollar one). Everyone gets your point but really! Not that noteworthy.

  7. They will not let him win, no matter what.For him to get his wall, is a victory in their eyes.


  8. This is a family blog; can't say how low he is. Kind of feel bad for genuine pond scum since he's being compared to it.


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