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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Why Trump Won


  1. Because the electoral college is a farce?

  2. People watched him on TV. They loved Honey BooBoo too and the Duck Dynasty guys. He's a clown ! Anyone want to buy my vintage Trump Board game. It's like Monopoly but everyone passes GO and never goes to Jail you default on the bank and investors and build crumbling enterprises marrying foreign subservient women. His resort interests just NOW realized OH MAYBE it's time to stop harboring illegal workers. LOL. I can't wait to see how this circus plays out. It's a hoot. He does not know what the working class is and does not care. He just panders to desperate idiots that think Mexicans are getting their SSI and disability bennies .It's the most hilarious moment in our History.

    1. Hillary crawl back under your rock.

    2. I would like to buy the game, and beat the crap out of my opponents will wearing my red MAGA hat

  3. yupper!
    still the best guy ever!

  4. Yes he WON because us Real Americans Voted him in !!!!

    and we are Taking OUR America Back !!!!!! from the Enemys

  5. He won fair and square, according to law. The thought of the alternative still makes me shudder.


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