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Friday, January 18, 2019

Veteran Maryland officer accused of rear-ending vehicle while driving drunk, then resisting arrest

A longtime Maryland police officer was suspended without pay after allegedly rear-ending another vehicle while driving drunk and then fighting officers who arrived at the scene.

Sgt. Kenneth Collier of the Anne Arundel County Police Department was arrested Saturday after officers responded to an accident in Crofton.

“Through their investigation officers believed Collier was under the influence of alcohol,” police said in a statement. “When officers initiated the arrest for the suspected DWI, Collier resisted arrest and assaulted officers on the scene.”

Police say Collier, a 21-year veteran of the department, was off-duty when he rear-ended another vehicle with his truck.

Collier has been charged with assault on a law enforcement officer, second-degree assault, driving while intoxicated and resisting arrest. He has been suspended without pay pending the results of an investigation into the accident, in which no one was injured.



  1. Unless felony they have to pay him until trial board and after, until the trial board findings are imposed.. Criminal court first then kangaroo court. The department has already violated his rights and will have to pay him.

    1. Assault on a law enforcement officer is a felony.

  2. WOW. I wonder how many times he drove drunk?? How many people he locked up for driving drunk?? Now watch how he gets treated. He won't go to court for 2 years then he'll get a slap on the wrist.

  3. 21 years of what that man has had to put up with would probably drive anybody to drink

    1. Well like Cops tell us. NO EXCUSES TO DRINK AND DRIVE!!!

  4. Should be legal to do anyway. Write that down.


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