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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

U.S. Will Start Returning Asylum Seekers to Mexico

The U.S. government will try to end most catch-and-release policies on Friday by sending asylum-seeking migrants back to Mexico pending their eventual court hearings in the United States, according to Reuters.

The new “Remain in Mexico” policy may sharply reduce the number of asylum-seeking migrants who are released into the United States — if the policy overcomes lawsuits filed before progressive judges.

In turn, the end of catch-and-release could prevent migrants from getting jobs needed to pay coyotes, so crippling the labor trafficking business, which is run by the criminal cartels in Mexico.

Currently, migrants and their children are legally allowed to walk up to the Ports of Entry on the border, ask for asylum, and then get released to legally find jobs until their asylum claims are heard in court, sometimes three years in the future.

Few of the asylum claims are subsequently approved by judges — but the catch-and-release process allows migrants to legally earn money, pay their debts to the coyotes, re-hire coyotes to smuggle their family members over the border, and then evade immigration enforcement once they lose their asylum claim.



  1. So if they are reqiured to ask then just say no
    What part of the word ask isn't understood

  2. Does that not surprise you. Media is now announced Harris as President in 2020 virtually by presenting her every move. Not much news on the other 30 or so candidates. Who runs this country ,- American citizens or the Media? I would suggest whoever the Media endorses do not vote for - it will be another Obama. First Black Female. Obama first Black male. We all know how that turned out.

  3. Take all the very sick to Sacramento, NY, and Minnesota. Let the LIBUTARDS see what they like up close and personal.

  4. This should go for ALL asylum seekers. You want asylum, wait is some other country till we tell you if you can come here or not. NO military age men should be allowed to come here on asylum. Tell them to grow a pair and fight for what they want in their country. Not come here and enjoy the freedom Americans have fought and died for because the asylum seekers are cowards.

  5. "I'm from a Central American country and I'm applying for asylum from _______________ (fill in the blank).


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