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Sunday, January 06, 2019

Trump: The country needs a 'slightly larger version' of the 'wall' around Obama's home

President Trump poked fun at the Obamas on Sunday for building a brick and metal fence around their home in Washington, D.C.

Trump made the lighthearted remark, referencing the addition the former first couple made to their rental property in the nation's capital last year as a security precaution after they left the White House, while making the case that the country needs similar structures along its southern border.

"President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!" Trump tweeted.



  1. Just how many of our Senators and/or Congress people live behind "walls" and in gated communities with armed guards? The hypocrisy of the elite marches on.

  2. 11:41 AM and how many of Trumps golf clubs were just found to have given out FAKE GREEN CARDS TO WORKERS. The hypocrisy of the elite marches on.

  3. Wait a minute
    I thought they told us that walls don't work and was a waiste of tax payers money
    I don't understand
    Can a democrat explain this to me please

  4. Wait a minute
    I thought they told us walls don't work and that they are a waiste of tax payers money
    I don't understand
    Can a democrat please explain this to me please

  5. US border needs a wall more than the Politians / ex-Politians. These political figures created the problem but then think they are the elite, better than the rest of us. They need no barriers / no security since they created the problem let them experience the problems first hand in their neighborhood. They refuse to let Americans have their 2nd amendment rights of self protection while they carry / have security. Strip these rights from them.

  6. Wonder if BO got the proper permits for his wall, if he did I wonder if he got them faster than normal. If no permit then BO tear down that wall.

  7. Obama and dems r fn hypocrites.

  8. With better FREE health care for life

  9. I agree that politicians should have a wall to keep them in. We don't need some of them on the outside where we exist.
    Especially those like that Maxine Waters dude. That thing will scare little children out there screaming impeach our good president. You know, the guy that looks like a mule and has a female name.

  10. Dude looks like a Lady! Dude! Dude! Dude looks like a Lady!


  11. Obama has lifetime 24/7 Secret Service protection as a start but he and Moochie obviously wanted a physical barrier, too.

    Our nation doesn't have 24/7 protection at the border of anything like that. Don't we deserve as much protection as a bad golfer without any college transcripts, birth certificate or actual SS#? I think we are deserving!

  12. How many people actually agree with Chris Coon's (DE) statement?

  13. Obama needs to be kept behind a great wall or a prison cell. He doesn't need the protection we do from him!


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