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Friday, January 18, 2019

Student Debt Crisis Worsens: Florida Board Of Health Suspends Licenses Over Defaults

If they aren’t paying their loans while they have an income, what makes anyone think they’ll start paying the loans once they have no income?

The Florida Board of Health has suspended thousands of healthcare licenses over defaults on student loans many used to earn their licenses.

But many are concerned that the new crackdown may only worsen the student loan crisis.

The revocation of licenses came after the student loan industry lobbied the government to enact punishments for those who can’t or won’t repay the money they borrowed. According to ABC Action News, only Florida is enforcing this law as of right now. The state also has the power to garnish up to 100% of a worker’s wages until the loan is repaid and the license is reinstated. Under Florida law, once the state suspends a license for student loan default, the only way to get it back is to pay a fine equal to 10 percent of the balance, plus other costs.



  1. That’s dumb. Why didn’t they start taking payments from their wages instead of suspending them?

  2. Info (Wars!) Yes, Alex Jones site ! Yes! Student Loans Need to *Be* Paid ?

  3. Taking away the ability to work won't improve the ability to pay. Dumb!

  4. So the state of Florida is now doing work, on the taxpayers dime, on behalf of collection agents and banks who made bad investments?! That is what I find most shocking here.


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