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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Schumer-Linked Group Targets Senate Republicans Over Shutdown

A group with ties to Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) announced on Friday it would launch a $600,000 media buy targeting Republicans over the government shutdown, seeming to confirm the notion that Democrats are "playing politics" with the impasse.

Majority Forward, a 501(c)(4) "social welfare nonprofit" that isn't required to disclose its donors, will run 30-second ads on broadcast and cable television in an effort to pressure six Republican senators up for reelection in 2020 to cave and end the shutdown. The ads, which will air in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, and North Carolina, are designed to appeal to voters by incorporating specific effects of the shutdown unique to each state, as first reported by the Washington Post.

J.B. Poersch, the president of Majority Forward, claimed on Friday that his group was motivated to run the ads with no other desire but to see the shutdown end.



  1. Dems trying any "bully" tactic they can come up with to get their way. The Democrats are pissed off because we have a President who stands with the people , Constitution and National Security. President Trump will not be "bullied" by the Democrats. The Democrats are used to all the past Republicans caving into their "bulling" ways and allowing the Democrats to get their way. President Trump needs to stick to his guns and not give in to these "bulling" tactics.

  2. No other desire but to take their seats in their near future election. Cortez did an interview stating so. It even includes Democrats. Out with the old and in with the new socialist. Cortez won her district because of poor turn out and current encumbent became complacement. Cortez thanks for the heads up. It won't happen again. Start thinking what you will be doing in 2020 - looking for a bartender's job. You are good at it please stick with it.


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