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Monday, January 28, 2019

OPINION: Higher Ed Is Robbing America’s Future

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is still paying off $15,001–$50,000 in student loan debt. A policy priority of hers happens to be canceling all student loan debt. Here’s a prescription that would actually benefit younger Americans and not sink the economy: Avoid owing institutions of higher learning loads of money in the first place.

U.S. student loan debt recently reached a record $1.465 trillion, double what it was when the recession ended in June 2009. Anthony Carnevale, Director of Georgetown’s Center on Education and the Workforce, pointed out that millennials with degrees make up about 40 percent of the unemployed.

It doesn’t bode well for higher education that four out of ten Americans looking for a job hold a college degree. Indeed, if there’s a forty percent chance you’re going to be unemployed after graduation, does it make sense to spend four or more years on campus? From a financial perspective, an increasing number of Americans are rightfully saying, “no.”

According to a first-of-its-kind study on attitudes towards higher education, nearly half of Americans do not believe college is worth the expense. One-third believe it was more important to get a college degree thirty years ago than it is today. Further, Americans believe starting their own business is a better measure of success than possessing a college degree.



  1. All of these institutions are liberal run... tell them to lower tuition

  2. She got a minority scholarship to Boston.

  3. yep and these marxist institution preach communism but gladly gobble up capitilisms cash

  4. Cortez signed up to buy her degree. She obviously did not earn it. Believe her education is still elementary. I have heard many times that student loans are not really used for education. I have heard that some loans are used for weddings, vacations - since the loan goes directly to the student and not the college it is used by the student for personal reasons. Now they don't want to pay up. Example, money for expensive books - not purchased because anything you need to know is on the web. Sounds crazy but it works. Everyone who takes out a loan should be required to pay or face legal action. Which reminds me that it isn't just students that renig on loans. Some people make a living out of declaring bankruptcy. I know of an individual in Fruitland. Has a boat, RV, 2 huge SUVs, three kids in private school, a nanny and two houses. Bankrupt on one house. Everything else in another name so you can't tell those assets. This is all legal. It shouldn't be. Those type of people should be right up there with individuals who owe student loans and want the slate wiped clean while taxpayers pick up the tap. It's a game we taxpayers we are losing.

  5. How about getting an education in something you can get a job in. Instead of studying the sex life of insects or something stupid like that.


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