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Friday, January 18, 2019

OPINION: The Greenist Manifesto: Democrats’ Socialist Green New Deal

One by one, we have seen the 2020 candidates for the Democratic nomination — both presumed and declared — voice support for a “Green New Deal.” The mere fact that this idea is being taken seriously should be of concern to every freedom loving American.

The Green New Deal is truly a Greenist Manifesto: a call for reviving old socialist ideas, but this time, with green characteristics.

The list of “green” proposals is as comprehensive as it is fanciful: reaching 100-percent renewable power, building a nation-wide smart grid, upgrading every building for energy efficiency, eliminating greenhouse gases from industry and transportation, and funding massive investment in a “drawdown” of greenhouse gases, among others. All within a mere 10 years.

A low-end attempt to estimate the cost of these proposals adds up to many trillions of dollars per year. But even before considering the astronomical cost, there is a more practical barrier: the bounds of technology and even physics. Simply put, these goals are not possible.



  1. Soros and Steyer the brains and funds behind this.

  2. If majority of voters fall for this bs we are doomed.


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