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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez says "no question" Trump is a racist

In a 60 Minutes interview that touched on a number of subjects, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said there's "no question" President Trump is racist. The comment came after correspondent Anderson Cooper asked Ocasio-Cortez, "Do you believe President Trump is a racist?"

"Yeah. Yeah. No question," Ocasio-Cortez replied.

The rookie congresswoman cited the president's rhetoric as proof.

"When you look at the words that he uses, which are historic dog whistles of white supremacy," Ocasio-Cortez said. "When you look at how he reacted to the Charlottesville incident, where neo-Nazis murdered a woman, versus how he manufactures crises like immigrants seeking legal refuge on our borders, it's night and day."

In response, the deputy White House press secretary said, "Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's sheer ignorance on the matter can't cover the fact that President Trump supported and passed historic criminal justice reform..." and "... has repeatedly condemned racism and bigotry in all forms."



  1. Fascinating that the MSM has made this idiot their poster child.
    Whats the end game......

  2. Her response tells us who the racist is, one who will use it for nothing more than fodder for political aspirations.

  3. The punk "axing" the questions is as bad as the dummy attempting to answer. I mean, what the heck kind of a question is that anyway. Take them both out back for a thrashing, teach them some manners.

  4. A liberal interviewing a liberal. What would you expect? Sit her down and let Tucker Carlson ask her the same questions and watch him make her look like the fool she is.

  5. This girl has no clue how the world works. She is still wet behind her ears. She really needs to grow up before she engages her mouth about something she knows nothing about. Her elevator definitely does not go to the top floor.

  6. I watched that interview - she proved herself to be the bug-eyed-bim that we have all come to love to hate! Great entertainment value though!

  7. It's all about getting your super PAC happy with you and getting air time. Ethic violations and conduct unbecoming of office is no longer enforced. Does ANYONE really blame her? Morals and honesty aside she will be worth millions in a few years. I think she cares more about the camera then values... Ms Sandy keeps Nancy happy she will always be protected

  8. 10:04
    The MSM works for the people who own it.
    They are the financiers of political campaigns.
    They are the masters of the universe

    MSM is merely one of their tools

  9. How are we supposed to respect a lawmaker who uses the phrase 'tippy top wage earners' to describe those who have the highest incomes in America?

    She may be in her mid 20's, but she has the mentality of a child.

  10. No question: this woman is an idiot.


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