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Saturday, January 12, 2019

NPR Anchor Downplays Importance of Border Security

Maria Hinojosa blames U.S. for Central America's challenges

NPR anchor Maria Hinojosa downplayed the importance of border security on Wednesday, saying Democrats have played too much into President Donald Trump's "narrative" of its importance.

"What we're really talking about right now is the fact that arch-right-wing conservatives, Republicans, [and] some white supremacists want to change the conversation on the narrative around who we are as a country," said Hinojosa, NPR's Latino USA anchor and executive producer, during an appearance on MSNBC's "Velshi & Ruhle."

Co-host Stephanie Ruhle asked about solutions concerning immigration.

"In terms of who we are as a country, we have always brought in immigrants. We're a country, apart from slavery, that is of immigrants, so this notion of closing down is not realistic. People are going to continue to come here, so what do you do? People want to be identified. People don't want to be undocumented. They don't want to be called ‘illegal.' No one wants that," Hinojosa continued.



  1. It's getting old same old talking points "who we are as a country" "not who we are as a country." It's the democrats who don't want to "have a conversation." It is the democrats who not only refuse to answer but run away from when asked about all the victims of ILLEGALS. But just like their love of killing babies the democrats (who love it so much they are now financing overseas abortions) could care less about American victims of ILLEGALS. Democrats do not value life. Democrats would sacrifice their own children and they have so what is to be expected. They are a foul waste of oxygen who none has ever or will ever do anything positive for society.

  2. If immigrants want to come to this country, fine, but do it legally

  3. anybody else sick of NPR?

  4. When will they dress up some of their staff as migrants and try for a fake video report reminiscent of the one where the two reporters faked being in Baghdad during an air attack? That was funny and has been good for over 20 years.


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