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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Nolte: Fox News Promotes Microsoft’s NewsGuard Blacklist as ‘Good Idea’

On Friday’s Fox & Friends, Kurt Knutsson gushed over Microsoft’s NewsGuard blacklist as “fair” and a “good idea.”

Knutsson’s only concern is if Silicon Valley, is if Facebook grabs control of NewsGuard, but as is, with establishment types running the blacklist, he thinks it’s pretty freakin’ awesome.

Well, of course, the backstabbers at Fox News love this blacklist. Why wouldn’t they? 1) Fox News is not blacklisted and 2) Fox News’s competition at Breitbart News and other right-leaning sites are blacklisted.

And so, what we have here from Fox News is a perfect example of “I’ve got mine” or “I’m going to appease the alligator, hoping he eats me last.”


What is Fox News going to do when Microsoft and NewsGuard add Fox News to this blacklist?




  2. I've got where I can't stand the arguing Fox does with their invited guests. If they don't want to hear what the guest has to say then don't invite them on the show. I mostly disagree with whatever their guests have to say but it is rude to cut them off before they have made their point. I would much rather hear what they have to say and then the Fox announcer can counter with an honest and sensible response.For that reason I have been watching OAN a lot lately and it is better.


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