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Friday, January 25, 2019

Nicholas Sandmann's Family Makes Major Move Against Media After Being Smeared

The family of 16-year-old Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann has hired a high-powered lawyer who specializes in going after media organizations for libel and slander.

WCPO reports that the family has hired L. Lin Wood, whom disgraced former journalist Dan Rather described as the "attorney for the damned," and who is known for "aggressive libel and slander suits against media organizations."

The family made the announcement in a statement released by the Hemmer DeFrank Wessels law firm, The Enquirer reported.

"...Todd McMurtry, the family’s legal counsel, conducted an extensive search to find a nationally-recognized attorney skilled in the fields of libel, defamation, and the First Amendment," the release said.



  1. I wish you all the best. My many $$$$$ be in your future.

  2. Go for it! It's time to put the brakes on these chronic liars.

  3. Those on 'The View' have already gotten the message about legal action and had to walk back some of what the said on the show. Paying $$$$$$ to settle a law suit is what it takes to get them to be truthful.


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