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Monday, January 28, 2019

New York Times Wants to ‘Expose Christian Schools’

New York Times reporter Dan Levin is asking Twitter users who attended Christian schools to share their experiences using the hashtag #exposechristianschools:

I'm a New York Times reporter writing about #exposechristianschools. Are you in your 20s or younger who went to a Christian school? I'd like to hear about your experience and its impact on your life. Please DM me.

— Dan Levin (@globaldan) January 24, 2019

Levin tweeted that he wants “to hear about all experiences, including positive stories/impact about your time in school,” implying that likely most responses to the hashtag would be negative:

Many Twitter users have been calling out the bigotry behind the hashtag – which self-proclaimed “exvangelical” writer Chris Stroop takes credit for creating:


1 comment:

  1. start a new hastag you idiots end luciferian influence


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