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Monday, January 28, 2019

Hillary Clinton Not Ruling Out 2020 Run

Hillary Clinton is not ruling out a presidential rematch against President Donald Trump, according to CNN's White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny.

"Clinton is telling people that she's not closing the doors to the idea of running in 2020," Zeleny told a panel on CNN's "Inside Politics" on Sunday. "I'm told by three people that as recently as this week, she was telling people that look, given all this news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying 'look, I'm not closing the doors to this.'"

Zeleny's report did acknowledge there are no official announcements or campaign plans in the works, however.

"It would surprise me greatly if she actually did it," a friend of Clinton told Zeleny.



  1. I understand she is getting fitted for a new back brace for the rematch.

  2. How are seizures coming along Hilda-beast?


  3. We'll know she's serious when she lets it leak that she's really interested in servicing Willie Brown!

  4. Her criminal activity must remain unproven for at least 21 more months

  5. Dont make me laugh my lips are chapped.


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