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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Former Law Enforcement Official: Benghazi Coverup Was to Protect Clinton Foundation - General Flynn Attacked Because He Knew Too Much!

A former Law Enforcement Officer named Roscoe B. Davis unveiled a number or tweets over the weekend tying the attack in Benghazi to the Clinton Foundation. The foundation reportedly made millions gun running and General Flynn was allegedly attacked because he knew too much.

The tweets are as follows and start with information about the Taliban having US Stinger missiles:

The Taliban had obtained the stinger missiles that Hillary and McCain had hoped to go to Libya –


1 comment:

  1. I've read that Benghazi was the hub for US government's supply of weapons to the "so called" terrorists.
    Those terrorists are being armed by the US and the population is being told lies.
    Al Queda worked for CIA and Tim Osmond was an agent during the Soviet vs. Afghanistan battle for poppies in the 1980s. Tim Osmond = Osama Bin Laden

    Thank you


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