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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Feds Find 23 Guns In Office Of Indicted Chicago Democrat

A longtime Chicago alderman and staunch gun-control advocate who was arrested on federal corruption charges stemming from an attempt to use his position to extort a company hoping to renovate a fast food restaurant in his ward was found to have 23 firearms in his offices, according to a local CBS affiliate.

Edward Burke, who has for decades been one of the city's most powerful and most notoriously corrupt officials, reportedly relied on a city ordinance stemming from the 1870s that designated all Aldermen as "peace officers" allowing them to carry and store weapons in their offices and city buildings - where even those with a concealed carry permit are not allowed to carry them.



  1. As humans, we can identify galaxies light years away, we can study particles smaller than an atom. But we still haven’t unlocked the mystery of the three pounds of matter that sits between our ears. (Laughter.) But today, scientists possess the capability to study individual neurons and figure out the main functions of certain areas of the brain. But a human brain contains almost 100 billion neurons making trillions of connections. So Dr. Collins says it’s like listening to the strings section and trying to figure out what the whole orchestra sounds like. So as a result, we’re still unable to cure diseases like Alzheimer’s or autism, or fully reverse the effects of a stroke. And the most powerful computer in the world isn’t nearly as intuitive as the one we’re born with.

    So there is this enormous mystery waiting to be unlocked, and the BRAIN Initiative will change that by giving scientists the tools they need to get a dynamic picture of the brain in action and better understand how we think and how we learn and how we remember. And that knowledge could be -- will be -- transformative.

    Kenyan-in-Chief "President" Obama

    What do you think this BRAIN Iniative was really about?

  2. Be very aware that the dumbocrats want to disarm you so they can control you.

    When the dumbocrat communists get their way there will be for the wall to keep people IN!

  3. Just like the wall, they never practice what they preach. They want you defenseless, but they live well protected lives.

  4. Well just as we ALL know. We can't have guns. But the politicians can.

  5. They want our guns because they know there will be many angry mobs to deal with if they take over the WH again. Their progressive plans were halted when Trump was elected and they were not prepared. Too many secrets hidden and now evidence destroyed. They are evil.

  6. Each and every day, I read an item and think what could possibly be crazier? Then the next day comes and it happens again.



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