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Sunday, January 06, 2019

Facebook Sucks!

I have NEVER seen a message from Facebook suggesting an ad might be offensive. It's shameful that this is what we have to deal with. This is the President of the United States. Never saw this with Obama or Hillary ads, did you? 


  1. This popped up on mine yesterday for a post about the military, police officers and first responders and the effects of ptsd. So I guess Facebook wants to also make sure that speaking about the mental health of first responders isn't offensive to some...

  2. I haven't used F**KBOOK in 3years. I used to try and have a factual conversation with the LIBUTARDS on CNN. They would throw out all kinds of lies. I would correct them with FACTS. After about an hour they would report my posts as offensive. No foul language. Not belittling to anyone. They would do both to me. Then in their frustration they would just report my posts. I would get a 30 day time out. So FB is a joke and millions our leaving them. Now that they are selling ALL your information. Why would you stay??

  3. It would be offensive if the sponsored ad had Trump holding up a blank piece of paper. They would say the paper is racist.

  4. 8:12 AM description of Facebook’s actions should be motivation for users to consider discontinuing use and participation of same. Fortunately, I and many in my familily learned early on to avoid this platform for communication of any kind. There are too many sources that exist for messaging and communications without having to tolerate and accept the actions and whims of Facebook. We no longer participate and indicate that to all that ask. It is amazing, our life is just fine without it.

  5. Why in the Hell would anyone get their news from Facebook? That's your problem right there!

  6. January 5, 2019 at 8:12 AM
    We had the same issue with a bunch from the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus.

    Michele Gregory, James Yamakawa and Jeffrey McCoy came in to a local fb political group and Jeff posted the message, "Whats up racist white people, Happy New Year".
    Michele thought she was smarter than us and thought it would be funny to re-add James and Jeffrey - who we had kicked out, which led to her eviction. Then they would go back to McCoys fb page and mock people and whine "So I infiltrated a local "political" group and posted this and got kicked out. Whatever happened to freedom of speech."

    "Infiltrated" - nice friendly description of their intentions. Not that they joined a group, they "infiltrated". By the way it was a public group, so there wasn't much to "infiltrate"

    When they got kicked out Jared Schablein thought he would come in and "educate" all of us. A group member captured his comment on McCoy's page, "Alright I’m in and good to see what they will tolerate. Started off with a softball just bashing Andy Harris for
    stabbing the shore in the back. Will work my way from there lol".
    Doesn't sound like he came to converse with us either.

    Then along came Seamus Benn who got kicked out after his first comment and for good measure Jared got ousted with him.

    It was a fascinating look at this group of people in all their personal and political ugliness. They were too smug to realize that our cohesive fb group is made up of friends, family and acquaintances.

    Trolls don't come for conversation and their Bernie flavored Koolaid has tainted their brains.

    Sadly none of them came with a disclaimer.

  7. January 5, 2019 at 9:05 AM -
    You still reading the Daily Slime? You can watch all the news while it is happening LIVE on fb and not have to wait for the biased newscast or the morning paper.

    FB and Twitter have it posted before anyone.

    Thats why

    1. 9:23 I bet you think it's ok for authorities to know what you're doing 24/7 too, just like the rest of the snowflakes on face book

  8. I've never used "FAKEBOOK". I truly don't understand the principle of creating some sort of fairy tale life to impress others.

  9. Here FB appeals to people that also loved police scanners and CB radios. People like to pretend they mind their own business but this is the nosiest place I have ever lived.

  10. January 5, 2019 at 10:21 AM
    I don't think reading an article or watching a video on fb constitutes the authorities knowing what I am doing 24/7

    I appreciate your misguided concerns

    1. 107, you dont think Facebook tracks every keystroke and GPS data point on your phone and sells it to anyone willing to pay for it? Lol! I sure hope you're pretty, because you're not bright.

  11. January 5, 2019 at 10:28 AM I totally agree with the nosy part

  12. I've had it pop up for real estate ads and local restaurant ads. Its just a generalized thing, no conspiracy going on.

  13. The internet was far more interesting 30 years ago. Before pictures and ads and children online. The only senior citizens online then were people that had actually built it and people had actual learned opinions and not a bunch of googled hogwash nonsense. Like all things democratized it's really been dumbed down like every thing else that's soul purpose is commercial.

  14. January 6, 2019 at 12:08 PM can you point to where I said it was on my phone? Run. Hide. The sky is falling.

  15. A samsung intenisty from 2009 doesn't do fb.
    I am not an idiot, like you, that spent 1K on an Iphone
    My money goes to more important things.
    And you stupidly think that fb is the only one trolling your phone?
    wake up rube.


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