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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Everything You Know About the Civil War is Wrong

The Civil War is perhaps the most misunderstood event in the history of the United States while ironically, appears to be the single historical event most Americans believe they fully comprehend.
It’s likely difficult for many of us — and nearly impossible for younger generations — to imagine a world without air conditioning, refrigeration, and amply-filled grocery stores. Which is nothing to say of a life without the Internet, smartphones, and Amazon.
Consider for a moment that just over a hundred years ago, many Americans didn’t live to see their fiftieth birthday — and the most common cause of death was dysentery.
Life in 1860 America, the year Abraham Lincoln was elected president, was nothing like it is today.
The Southern states were mostly rural, and agriculture was the primary industry while in the North, the industrial revolution was in its infancy. Few Americans had more than a primary school education, and medicine was one level above medieval.
And yet, too many of us mistakenly believe we can make value judgments about a time of which we know little.
To truly understand any historical event, one must study it within the proper context — what is commonly referred to as “contextualization.” But as generation after generation pass, we internalize notions about why people behaved the way they did in the past.
And often, we interpret stories of events through the lens of popular culture — many of which are not entirely accurate.
The American Civil War is chief among these.


  1. The American Civil War was over high tariffs imposed on the South, an agrarian part of the Union, and the richer North, based more in industry. South Carolina went to secede, which was within their Constitutional right and Lincoln declares martial law, had the army lock down the South. It was never about slavery as many are taught. In fact, the North also had its share of slaves back in the pre-Civil War era.

    Another thing not taught but is found throughout the Founders’ writings is they all grappled with the Slavery issue during the founding of this country. Many wanted to abolish it, including Jefferson and Washington, whom were slave owners as they both owned plantations. However, due to resistance of southern states and their agribusiness concerns, the Founders shelved it. At that point, they were trying to get 13 very different regions to coalesce into a cohesive unit to make a country.

  2. Mechanization would have soon brought slavery to an end anyhow.

  3. This article was common knowledge before the 50s. Look up "goals of The Naked Communist." They have infiltrated our schools since then and done everything they can to indoctrinate our kids.

  4. 7:18 that is becasue pretty much every person in this country is just plain stupid, to lazy or fat which makes them more lazy... They don't give a shit about history, and what actually happened, as long as they get their new iPhone right??? that you pay 800 bucks for, and all they do is give you a few mm bigger screen, bunch of morons... Then, you have the capitalize side of things, where becasue it cost to much money to reprint the history books, they just say meh F' it, we will keep teaching a lie...

    There are a lot of things in our supposed history that are wrong, such as Lewis and Clark... And people don't know that Lewis had great important ties to Jefferson when he was president, and that Lewis was murdered for secrets he had tried to get to the president... He got the ole 2 head shot suicide virus (explain to me how you can shoot yourself in the head twice with a flint lock pistol????), you know when all of those people who investigate Hillary seems to catch??? See the picture here???? it has been going on for thousands of years...

    In fact that is how WWI started, by the murder of Franz Ferdinand, but people would argue other wise...

  5. So what you are saying is that those predominantly black slaves were a huge part in building this country.

  6. 8:20 are you a moron??? Of course, they are using the play book of Hitler, in lock step... He knew he had to go after the kids, not only because it was easy, but they will be adults and grown up one day too... Why do you think most people in WWII went crazy??? Sure it was from fighting and seeing the bad war stuff, but also because they were being killed and they had to kill kids, god damn kids... BEcasue they were brain washed too... Maybe one day you will see the big picture and can see that all of this is a plan, and has been on for many many years... The sad thing is, these evil people are more dedicated in doing their evil, than you people are at stopping them... Then you wonder why things are the way they are...

    1. 8:56, most of the people WWII didn't go crazy

  7. As usual, it all comes down to MONEY!


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