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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Delaware Store Owner Gets Prison for $1.7 Million Food Stamp Fraud

A former Delaware convenience store owner will spend the next 14 months in prison, starting next week, for carrying out a $1.7 million food stamp fraud scheme.

A judge sentenced Debasish Muhuri to prison last month after he pleaded guilty in June to a charge of unauthorized use of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.

Prosecutors dropped the other three charges against him but ordered Muhuri to pay back the $1.7 million he stole from the federal government.



  1. This is the top edge of the tip of the iceberg. The whole system is rife with opportunity for cheaters, making the users and the whole program look bad.

  2. Program is bad. Only 14 months?

  3. He's a foreigner set up in business by our stupid government.

  4. $1.7 million 10.7 YEARS IN PRISON.

  5. Little guy in prison - Clintons still free.

  6. Gee another foreigner ripping off the government. They say crime don't pay. It does for foreigners coming here with an interest free loan. The government and state of Delaware should be embarrassed. To busy not offending the foreigner. They let them rip off TAXPAYERS. They STOLE 1.7 million dollars?? Where was the program oversight?? Oh I know. ANOTHER AA running the show because they were the most qualified.

  7. Worst part of the crime? The funds were likely used to fund terrorism back in his native country.


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