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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

D.C. City Council Overrides Mayor’s Veto to Decriminalize Fare Evasion

WASHINGTON— The D.C. City Council voted 11 to 2 to override Mayor Muriel Bowser’s veto of their bill to decriminalize fare evasion on the metro on Tuesday, prompting the District to join the likes of California, Seattle, Portland and New York where such measures have already been enacted.

“With today’s vote, the Council sent a clear message that it is committed to progressive criminal justice reform that dismantles the systemic racial and economic injustice that has only harmed our communities,” said Nassim Moshiree, Policy Director of the ACLU of the District of Columbia. “We once again extend our deepest gratitude to Councilmember Charles Allen for shepherding this bill in the council, to Councilmember Trayon White for introducing it and to all of the Councilmembers who stood firm in their vote.”

Trayon White made headlines earlier this year when he accused Jews of controlling the weather. The ACLU-DC did not comment on White’s remarks then and today said they “don’t see what those remarks have to do with the fare evasion decriminalization bill.”

Proponents of the decriminalization bill, including White, cited a disproportionate effect of such laws on people of color.



  1. "Today, we make it known to all criminals that theft of services crimes will go completely unpunished and they are now free to run roughshod over fare-paying customers who politely wait in line and pay their own way".

  2. yep fare jumpers now get a free pass...our cities are cesspools of crime, ignorance, and theft of tax dollars

  3. cited a disproportionate effect of such laws on people of color?

    The law applied to everyone. Are they implying blacks commit more crimes?


  4. IOW, the Metro is now free for those who choose this option. How stupid!

    Guess they can stop pursuing and prosecuting murderers, under the same theory.

  5. to 6:17_____The answer is a YES!

  6. so-called criminal "justice" reform!


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