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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Close Roger Stone Associate: "FBI Raid Would Make Gestapo Proud"!

Jacob Engels, a Gateway Pundit contributor and longtime friend of Roger Stone took to Twitter Friday morning to slam Robert Mueller’s early morning SWAT fueled arrest of Trump loyalist Roger Stone.

This political hit-squad run by the FBI and their allies in the mainstream media would earn praise from Adolf Hitler. Americans should fight this political persecution with every fiber of their beings, now more than ever.”

Engels urged Americans shocked by this disgusting use of government force to visit stonedefensefund.com and donate whatever they can to help Roger Stone fight back.

“You can now be arrested for having supported Donald Trump for President of the United States. The enemies of freedom have successfully weaponized the FBI into a roaming gestapo-style political persecution hit-squad. They started with Roger Stone, but they will end with us. Infowars, Gateway Pundit, and independent journalists who have stood up to Robert Mueller’s criminal enterprise will not be spared if we don’t stand and fight.”



  1. Raids like this happen more often than anyone imagines, so don't get to thinking that you're all that special, boys.

  2. If this isn’t proof positive that our own law enforcement and possibly our own military won’t turn on the citizens of this Country, when told to do so, then you’re a damn fool.

  3. Dave T: Agreed! very sad, but very true !

  4. One of the most disgusting displays of governmental police abuse since they took Elian Gonzalez from his family.

  5. yeh 11:35 but for real criminals. crawl back under your rock...the real criminals like the clintons should be next

  6. really? Hillary never charged with a crime. Your fairy tales never came true after millions of dollars spent on investigation. The same can not be said about the trump administration. If you guys wanted Hillary to be charged you should have had trump chose her for one of his administration jobs.

    1. You're right ed, hillary hasn't been charged. Crooked comey was bought off

  7. They should be sued & charged for Excessive Force

    for all their strong arming & showing off intimidation tactics

    Teach them a lesson ......were are the Lawyers ????

    Lawyers are supposed to keep those in Check who do
    such things ....!!!


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