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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Cardin: ‘We Will Not Support a Wall’

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) declared, “We will not support a wall.”

Cardin said, “We’re prepared to talk with the president as to what we need for border security. We will not support a wall. Because the experts tell us the wall is a waste of money, and it detracts from dollars being available for real border security..."



  1. Cardin - How about asking ALL Marylanders if they would support a wall - YES, as a matter of fact we do support a wall whether you like it or not.

  2. Out of touch with the people. We stand by you Mr. President make America great again and keep putting the people first.

  3. Cardin what a joke

  4. What "ex-spurts" are you talking about, Ben?
    Name just one.
    Give us quotes and reasoning.
    We're all willing to bring this to a table and discuss the pros and cons.
    Bring all tour "experts" and let's listen to their logic!

    Crickets again, Ben?

  5. waiting for the day when dees nuts are dealt with harshly!

  6. Well it's hard to argue when the FREAKING LOWLIFE'S of our STATE have voted for him for 40 years. Yet what has he done for you?? NOTHING but make an ASS of himself EVERYTIME he opens his mouth.

  7. POSER Ben deferring to imaginary experts SMH

  8. Maryland voters, write this stuff down & save it, so you will know who NOT to vote for in the next senate election

  9. Ben, get your snugly afghan and go get in your rocking chair and doze off. The people don't want you or your quirky ideas. We back the president that we, the people, elected.

  10. Yes, please, share the "expert" opinions so that we can understand first-hand instead of second hand.

  11. Same old liberal rhetoric Ben. Your poop is getting boring and tiresome; tell it like it is, you just can't stand Trump succeeding and moving forward the conservative agenda which makes you and your cohorts look impotent. Negotiate!

  12. Md. is a prime example why we have the electoral college. Sorry America but this is what comes out of the liberal s***hole of Md.

  13. Cardin the idiot. He wants and is doing everything he can to promote MD as a sanctuary State. When he answers you, if he does, he states that he only response to his constitutes in his district. When he goes on MSM, CNN, MSNBC, he claims he represents all Marylanders. He is another liar and socialist. He cannot think for hisself , just the DC Democratic donors.

  14. The views and political BS coming from the democratic
    politicians in Annapolis, do not represent the Patriots
    of the eastern shore of MD. We will prevail...

  15. Me thinks we should stop by Benny’s house and discuss this face to face

  16. Maryland DOES support the wall which you would know if you took the time to ask us if that is what WE want to spend OUR money on. Damn fool. The people should make that decision, not you.


  17. Ben gets his expert advice and opinions from Schumer & Pelosi.

    You'd think he might have paid a moment's notice while he was masquerading as 'your friend Ben' this past fall. But he's back in Rip Van Cardin mode for another extended snooze.

  18. Cardin is THE waste of money.

  19. And we do not support Cardin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. This parasite "my friend Ben" was just voted in , who voted for him?

  21. It's so nice to be open-minded Benny.

  22. Cardin is an idiot. I don't know why asshats like this are so entrenched and always re-elected in a failing system called Md Dem party. This guy is a disgrace

  23. Baltimore the highest crime city in the country voted for him.

  24. Why don't the people of Maryland simply recall the SOB!!!

    It's certainly our prerogative to do so with his detrimental attitude!

  25. During these talks in the past couple of weeks, the Democrats have mentioned multiple billion dollars that have been appropriated/spent on border security over the past 10 years. Where has that money actually gone? We don't actually see any progress at the border except for some additional personnel and they were added in the last 5 years. There are some areas that have borders/barriers but I don't think that accounts for the billions that have been mentioned. Where has the money gone?
    DEMOCRATS: Hear us. We want the wall. PRESIDENT TRUMP: Hold Steady. Don't give in just because some of them are crying about not getting paid. Send them to the Democrats to talk about their missing paychecks.


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